Half Tonner

Way back in the Seventies and the Eighties the IOR racing rule produced exciting racing in various classes, with the Half Ton Class as very probably one of the most emblematic ones.

With many hundreds of prototypes built in that era, and the thousands of series boats like f.i. the Arpège, Armagnac, Super Arlequin, Rush, Hustler SJ30 & 32 and the First Evolution, it is unlikely that one will ever be able to count the exact number of halftonners built.

From : Aug. 2, 2025
To : Aug. 8, 2025

In the IOR era the boats sailed in Real Time. All the big names in yacht design like f.i. Sparkman & Stephens, Laurie Davidson, Bruce Farr, Paul Whiting, Jean Berret, Rob Humphreys, Ed Dubois, Joubert/Nivelt, Daniel Andrieu, Jean-Marie Finot, Philippe Briand, Philippe Harlé, Ron Holland, Doug Peterson, Peter Norlin, Julian Everitt, Stephen Jones, Bruce King, Gilles Gahinet, Scott Kauffman, Tony Castro, Ceccarelli, Georg Nissen, Jac. De Ridder, Hugh Welbourne, Fontana-Maletto-Navone, Judel-Vrolijk or Gary Mull have had their go at this IOR rating rule. Many of them had their moment of glory and madetheir name producing one or more winning Half Ton designs.

In those times the Half Ton Cups were "the place to be" for both crews and designers in quest of international fame…

In 2003, some 10 years after the decline of the IOR, some crazy Belgian halftonner owners decided to revive the Half TonClass Europe (HTCE) and created the Half Ton Classics Cup (HTCC). Whilst the boats are in constant evolution, the adventure continues…

This constant evolution of the IRC rating (like in the IOR heydays) has lead many owners to modify their boats (within the limits set by the HTCE). This phenomenon lead to thecreation of2 separate rankings at the HTCC events: one for the 'Modern' and another for the 'Vintage' halftonners, with 1 overall ranking to designate the 'overall winner' under IRChandicap. The major trophy remains the 'Half Ton True Spirit Trophy', awarded to the team that best represents the undefinable & incomparable 'halfton spirit'.

Our Class's devise: Halfton twice the Fun.

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rue Waugenée 19C - 7190 Ecaussines, Belgium

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